Sunday, August 19, 2012

Double Strawberry Pie

There seems to be some kind of strawberry glut going on in Queensland this year. I don't know if it's been the especially cold winter we've had but this weekend I bought a kilo of the juicy little bastards for four dollars.
And they're good. It's outrageous.

Not as outrageous as filling a tub with strawberry juice and bathing in it, even if that idea seems somehow affordable and frankly sensible lately.

Still, what to do with them? I really wanted to make some freaky-deaky experimental strawberry-balsamic-black pepper jam but I couldn't find any pectin at the store. It's actually kind of hard to find food preservation supplies in this country. I suppose it never really gets cold and inhospitable enough at any point during the year here to have ever necessitated the hoarding of food for winter. A commonplace practice that persists in cultures further away from the equator and one that I kind of miss.

Whatever. Instead I took my kilo of strawberries and did the next most sensible thing: baked them ALL in a pie. It's 'double' strawberry because in addition to the glazed fresh ones on top there's a layer of delicious strawberry compote beneath. Cooked strawberries have different taste to fresh ones but by no means an inferior one so this thing really delivers twice.

Actually, make that thrice. It's all framed by a final bottom layer of white chocolate and cream cheese ganache that really lays down a nice sweet-fatty base taste for the distinct strawberry flavours to burst through and really pop.

My housemate said it might be best thing I've ever made. I'm pretty sure the piece I had got me high.
Honestly, it tastes like this. Nothing is real. Excuse me while I finish it off and get lost in the mysteries of the cosmos.

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